Book Nerd Abroad: Visiting the Headquarters of Denmark’s Largest Publisher

In November, I went to Scandinavia for Thanksgiving break with my mom and was fortunate enough to be able to visit some incredible people in the book world. This is the first in a series I am calling Book Nerd Abroad, where I recount my visits, share pictures, interviews, things I learned and interesting tidbits about the publishing industry around the world; the first posts will be from Nordic countries!

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Review: What if it’s Us by Becky Albertalli & Adam Silvera

Arthur’s ready for a day working at his summer internship in New York City, at the law firm where his dad works. He’s on the way back from grabbing a coffee when he spots a tall young kid around his age walk into the post office. In a split second decision, he follows him in.

Ben is at the post office trying to mail a box of his exes stuff back; how is shipping so expensive? This guy starts talking to him; he’s kind of cute, and they hit it off. A few minutes later they’re split up in the chaos of a marching band flash mob and lose each other in the fray.

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